Md. Mahmudul Hasan Khan

- MBA (major in HRM), BBA (major in HRM)
- Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
- Certified KPI Professional (C-KPIP)
- Certified Balanced Scorecard Professional (C-BSCP)
- Certified Learning & Development Specialist (C-L&DS)
- Certified Talent Acquisition Specialist (C-TAS)
- Certified HR Business Partner (C-HRBP)
- Certified HR Generalist (C-HRG)
- Certified HR OD Practitioner (C-HRODP)
- Certified Strategic HR Leader (C-SHRL)
- Certified Compensation & Benefits Professional (C-C&BP)
- Certified Talent Management & Succession Planning Specialist (C-TMSPS)
- Certified HR Metrics & Dashboarding Specialist (C-HRM&D)
- Certified People Analytics Specialist (C-PAS)
- Certified Digital HR Specialist (C-DHRS)
Mr. Khan is a distinguished Trainer and Consultant, specializing in HRM, OD, L&D, KPI, Law & Compliance, Soft Skills Development, Career Development, Entrepreneurship Development, and Operational Excellence. With expertise in these areas, he has successfully guided organizations in optimizing HR practices, refining performance metrics, fostering operational excellence, and implementing strategic development initiatives to promote sustainable organizational and professional growth.
Contact for Training & Consultancy Services
- Mobile & WhatsApp: +8801713-177-265
- E-mail:
- Skype: khan.mahmudul_1
- Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube
Mahmud’s Professional Involvements
Chief Executive Officer
Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Institute empowers businesses to thrive through tailored solutions. Our primary focus revolves around the realms of training and consultancy.

Head of HR & Admin
The Daily Star is a Bangladeshi English-language daily newspaper. It is by far the largest circulating English-language newspaper in the country.
And Keeron Limited, The Daily Star initiated an upskilling platform that helps young professionals to accelerate their careers.

Resource Person
Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) is a state-supported professional management Institute. Its headquarters is located at 4 Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka. Its mission is Human Resource Development and Institutional Capacity Building through Management Education, Training, Research and Consultancy Services.

Former Resource Person
BIDA (Prime Minister’s Office) has started the Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Project (ESDP). ESDP graduates who had started their own businesses were provided innovative opportunities to engage in the supply and distribution of essential products through backward and forward linkage activities.
Consultant, HR & Admin
bdCalling is a USA-based company with a forte of IT-enabled services. The SBUs are bdCalling IT Limited (BD), Academy, SparkTech Agency, Backbencher Studio, SM Techno LLC (USA), Softvence LLC (USA)
Manager, HR & Admin (Team Leader)
The Daily Star is a Bangladeshi English-language daily newspaper. It is by far the largest circulating English-language newspaper in the country.
And Keeron Limited, The Daily Star initiated an upskilling platform that helps young professionals to accelerate their careers.
Former Project Director (PD)
Serve Human Foundation is a non-profitable, non-political, charitable and voluntary Organization. In 2016 it was established through an active group of young and energetic academics, volunteers and social workers.
He served for HR, Admin & Compliance Department of the following Organizations in the below Managerial levels

Bangladesh Private Limited

Some of his Professional Pieces of Training
- KPI Master Class (practical, and assignment-based training)
- Professional Course in Functions of HR Department (practical course where all the wings of HR department are covered)
- HR Metrics to Drive the Strategy (practical & mathematical sessions in Excel)
- Advanced HR Budget (practical & mathematical sessions in Excel)
- Preparing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (practical session in MS Word)
- Organization Planning
- Management Planning
- Leadership
- People Management/HRM
- Effective Communication
- Interpersonal Relationship
- Decision Making
- Creative Thinking
- Conflict Management
- Negotiation Skill
- Risk Management
- Campus to Corporate
- CV Writing
- Motivation
- 5S
- Positive Attitude
- No Defect Production Process
- Sales Process Development
- Microsoft Excel – Beginner to Advanced
- A Journey to achieve your Dream
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Entrepreneurship Inspiration and Positive Thinking
- Entrepreneurship Opportunity, Challenges, and Incentives
- Entrepreneurship Contributions to Economy Development
- Preparing Business Plan
- Local Investment and Joint Venture
- Licenses and Permissions for Starting Business in Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)
- All the Government Authorities for Starting Business
- Investment Planning
- Production of Goods & Services
- Financial Planning
- Starting Supplying and Linkage Industry
- Government and Commercial Bank Loan for Entrepreneurs
- Sole, Partnership and Limited Company Registration Process
- Trade License and Obtaining Process
- TIN, VAT Registration Process
- Income Tax Procedure
- IRC and ERC License Obtaining Process
- Import & Export Process
- Custom Clearance, Shipment & Port Formalities
- LC (Letter of Credit) Management
- Environment Clearance License
- Legal Issues related to Product Packaging, Labeling, Quality, Quantity Etc.
1. Professional Course in Functions of HR Department (Practical & Assignment based)
Functions of HR Department is a professional course. This course is 100% practical. We usually open the blank excel sheet or word and start to prepare as like we are preparing sitting in our office. Reviews of the course are impressive. The participants have admitted that they never got this type of training and learning from anywhere. Click to read more….

2. KPI Master Class (Practical, Participatory & Assignment based)
KPI Master Class is another practical, participatory and assignment-based course. After completing this course you will be able to set the KPIs for your organization. The participants have enjoyed & learned a lot from this course. Their reviews are excellent. Even many of them did most of the trainings on KPI but found our course as the best KPI course. Click to read more….

3. HR Metrics to Drive the Strategy (Practical & Mathematical Sessions in Excel)
Human Resource metrics are measurements used to determine the value and effectiveness of HR initiatives. If you want to work as a strategic partner to your organization, you should be extraordinary with data. You will be taught here almost HR metrics e.g., a) Cost & Compensation related HR Metrics, b) Revenue & Profit related HR Metrics, c) Training-related HR Metrics, d) Talent Acquisition-related HR Metrics, e) Onboarding, Satisfaction, etc. related HR Metrics, f) Growth & Productivity related HR Metrics, g) Retention, Turnover, etc. related HR Metrics etc. Click to read more….

4. Advanced HR Budget (Practical & Mathematical Sessions in Excel)
We are the only organization where you will be taught Advanced HR Budget practically on excel. From this session you will be able to have the expertise on a) Advanced HR Budget Preparation, b) Advanced Training Budget Preparation, c) Advanced Employee Benefits’ Budget, d) Backend Calculation of Budget Components & all the sessions will be conducted on excel. As like we are working on our office desk. Click to read more….

5. Preparing Standard Operating Procedure-SOP (Practical Session in MS Word)
This is another practical course where you will be taught how to prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). You will be taught through drafting the SOP and relevant forms in the class. Our class contents are a) Preparing SOP (in MS Word), and b) Designing SOP Controlled Form (in MS Excel). Click to read more….

Mahmud conducting Training Session at BIM
Mahmud is a Resource Person of Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM).
It’s a group photo after the KPI Master Class learning session.
Mahmud with the Youths in a Training Session
Mahmud has conducted a training session on Campus to Corporate to the fresh graduates.
It’s a group photo session after completion of the session successfully.

Mahmud as one of the Speakers at BIU HR Fest
Bangladesh Islami University (BIU) is one of the leading private universities in Bangladesh. The university organized the HR Fest for its former graduates and present students. The organizing committee of the HR Fest invites Mahmud to speak for the youth.
Mahmud delivers the speech to the youth, how they will prepare themselves for the competitive job markets, and how to develop themselves to achieve their career goals.
Mahmud is in a Training Session for Factory Executives
The session on No Defect Production Process and Checking Management was arranged for the department/section heads of the furnishers manufacturing company.

Mahmud in the Training session for Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET) Youths

Mahmud in the Training session for BBA Students of Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

Some Pieces of Training of Mahmud for ESDP, BIDA (Prime Minister’s Office)
In order to increase the private sector investment both local and foreign, the government has introduced this development project titled “Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Project” through Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA). Mahmud is one of the Trainers, trained 36 districts’ thousands of entrepreneurs.